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FM ST Johns Church

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Mision & Vision 


A church in which people feel at home and, inspired by the Holy Spirit and their love for God, align their lives to the gospel of Jesus Christ and thus prepare themselves for His return and eternal life


Reaching out to all people in order to teach them the gospel of Jesus Christ and to baptise them with water and the Holy Spirit. Providing soul care and cultivating a warm fellowship in which everyone shall experience the love of God and the joy of serving Him and others. 

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150 Clermont RoadClermont 3610


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HIV/AIDS Policy 
What is HIV And AIDS? HIV and AIDS are two different blood diseases that are closely linked to each other. Acquired immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a chronic, life-threatening disease caused by HIV, while the Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV can be treated and kept at bay. if a person is diagnosed early and put on the correct treatment they have a good chance of living a healthy normal life and their HIV may never develop into AIDS. HIV & AIDS is spread through contact with bodily fluids that contain the Viruses. it can be passed from person to person during sex, caring for open wounds, sharing of needles, or during childbirth.

HIV & AIDS policy ¬Each and every member of The Father Masango's Faith Mission's HIV/Aids status is private and confidential, and such does not need to be disclosed to the church

¬We aim to create an environment where families feel comfortable and supported in voluntarily disclosing their HIV/AIDS status to the church should they want to.

¬Each member will be treated with the same caution where open wounds or blood are involved so that members and staff are safe at all times.

¬The Father Masango's Faith Mission follows strict adherence to universal precautions under all circumstances at the church during services.

¬Members who contract other communicable illnesses such as measles, German measles, chickenpox, whooping cough and mumps must be kept at home to protect other church members who may have a weaker immune system.

¬HIV/AIDS education is integrated into our lessons about personal hygiene and wellness, rather than separated and once-off learning topic.

¬The Father Masango's Faith Mission will not discriminate against any members or staff who may have HIV/AIDS.

¬All potential members are protected against discrimination, and will not be denied a place in the achurch based on their HIV/AIDS status.

¬We would like to assist members or staff members who are infected with HIV, in leading normal, healthy lives for many years by taking care of their health. These are the key areas that The Father Masango's Faith Mission will focus on.

Father Masango's faith Mission is dedicated to making sure that all situations that occur during church services and gatherings are handles according to the National Policy on HIV/AIDS

Integrated marketing strategy

Integrated marketing is an approach to create a unified and seamless experience for consumers to interact with a Brand or and Organisation. Our attempt as Father Masango's Faith Mission our plan is to merge advertising, promotion, public relations, marketing and social media through various channels and activities.

Get Social

Set a social media strategy. Develop a social Facebook, Twitter and Instagram provide a venue for reaching many people that are interested in our organisation. It is cost-effective to do it. The best part of this type of marketing is that social media can reach people wherever they are. we use these platforms to build and maintain relations with our Stakeholders, have interactive and meaningful conversations/dialogues and also, share important content and information. Through these platforms, we will be able to reach millions of people worldwide as today's generation spends most of their time on social media.

Active Blogsite

Our Blog will always be updated with all activities relating to the church. This is where we will share information about our upcoming events, success stories, interviews with our beneficiaries as well as our sponsors.

Conduct Reviews and publish results

Reviews are a fundamental part when stakeholders want to partner/create relations with an organisation. what people say about your organisation will influence the next person's decision of whether they should associate themselves with you. by publishing reviews, we will be able to build our brand and reputation in the eyes of our Stakeholders. Bad reviews will give us an opportunity to introspect and implement changes where necessary because there is always room for improvement.

Understand the Customer Decision-Making Process

Understand what makes customers decide to buy a product or service, and then discover why they would decide to buy from you. Some customers use an extended decision-making process, but others use low levels of involvement to make limited, nominal, or spontaneous decisions. Most customer decisions follow a basic pattern while involved in a particular situation that could result in a sale. This is called the Decision-Making Process.

Create marketing material

Develop brochures

Newsletters Pamphlets and 

Other marketing material that describes the benefits, service, donation opportunities and values that represent the organisation.

Online reputation management strategy

Corporate and image are important for the success and smooth running for the organisation. Reputation permeates and influences all aspects of an organisation and therefore, a good reputation is needed for Father Masango's Faith Mission to grow.
Take it as an emergency room examining patients, at Father Masango's we sort out potential issues through social media listening, to determine which reviews or posts need a crisis management response. Once we've looked through this crisis we then go on and do the following. 
Take accountability for the issues and not attempt to pass off blame. 
Respond briefly and quickly when possible. 

Seek understanding by asking questions. 
Promise to fix the problem in future and prevent it from happening in future. 
Personally, follow-up after the resolution to ensure the original poster is satisfied. 
Fix the problem the reviewers experience to avoid getting another negative review. 
However, if we feel the situation has been taken too far we'll not be afraid to report the online profile to ensure that the person does not put our organisation at risk again. 
Don't delete negative comments 
As strange as this may sound, but it is something that many organisations do. 
Deleting comments won't make the problem go away. Instead, it makes your organisation appear to your audience as if you cannot deal with their comments. It can also have a damaging effect on your organisation. 
You can make negative comments less easy to find by ensuring you are constantly posting great, original content. 
Social Media Platforms
Social media helps us to build trust and encourages communication with our Stakeholders. we are present and active on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram for interaction and engagement. we are committed to work together and provide a great mutual understanding and also keep our audiences updated about everything we do. 
It is important to monitor the public perception of our organisation, what they say or what is already being said online. This helps to track important conversations happening around the organisation so that we can identify opportunities to get involved, locate people to engage and to handle problems before they escalate. 
To be transparent, opening up to criticism and feedback because that is beneficial for the organisation to embrace this communication mode with the audience. Share everything with the public on social media. Get them involved. Where there is a donation made, there must be Transparency on how it is used. This will give assurance to the donors that their donations are used wisely and to what it was meant for. 
The meaning of accessibility to our Stakeholders are as follows:
Able to be reached or approached
Able to be used/obtained
easy to appreciate or understand we will be accessible through our social media platforms, blog site live chats, as well as additional contact details that are available on our Blog site.
Credibility is an important component to keep our clients. where there is trust, there is a growing and sustainable relationship.
we will build credibility by doing the following:

Being consistent.
Being open-minded.
Serve others with respect and love.
Demonstrating integrity.

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